There is lots more going on in Cossington than meets the eye.

This section of OurCossington website has been created to give local clubs and societies some space to share information about their organisations and contact details where appropriate.

Cossington Parish Council

The Parish Council usually meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm, in the Jubilee Hall, Cossington.

For further information visit their website

Chairman: Mrs Penny Weston-Webb

Contact:  Mrs Emma Crowe Email: clerk(at)

Platts Charity

Founded by Decree on 10th February 1668 we are one of the oldest charities in the world still to be functioning to the present day.

The Trustees manage land comprising the playing fields on Platts Lane, and previously, fields which were given over to gravel extraction and which are now a nature reserve.

Subject to expenses being duly paid,  “The yearly income of the Charity shall be applied by the Trustees for any public or parochial purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Cossington which may be selected by Trustees and which do not involve the relief of any rate or rates”

Chair:    Liz Jenkin

Babington Charity

Established by Rev John Babington c.1860  the charity manages a number of properties in the village including some allotments. Proceeds from rents after costs of maintaining the properties to be distributed by Trustees, “For the benefit of persons resident in the parish of Cossington who are in need, hardship or distress or for further education, or for the general or individual benefit of the inhabitant’s of the parish”

Chairman: Helen McCague

Allotments contact: Gary Drew   Tel: 07989 354737

Cossington WI

Meets on 2nd Wednesday of every month at

7.30pm in the   Jubilee Hall

President: Barbara Stokes

Secretary: Penny Weston-Webb

Contact: PennyWeston-Webb(at)   Tel: 07754 892842

Cossington Crafters

Meets every Thursday 10-12 in the Jubilee hall

Contact: Barbara Orridge    Tel: 07960 473566

Cossington Garden Club

Meets every 3rd Tuesday at 7.30pm, 70 Main street or out on visits

Chair: Steve Budding  Tel: 07814 733202

Secretary: Barbara Orridge

Treasurer: Janette Matthews

Cossington Beer-Tasting Society

Meets 3rd Thursday of every month at

9.00pm in the Royal Oak

An esteemed organisation, currently of around 15 members, who dutifully turn up (whatever the weather) to inspect the ‘guest beer’ and to offer opinions, occasionally concerning the beer.

Chairman: David Smith

For further information email: davidedwardsmith(at)

Cossington Reel club

Meet every Friday at 8pm, 70 Main street

Contact: Harry & Alison Longman   Tel: 07939 148618

Cossington Bells

Meet every Wednesday at 6.30pm, All Saints Church

Tower Captain: Harry Longman   Tel: 07939 148618

[*substitute ‘@’ for (at)   This protects the email address from web-bots]